Friday, April 11

"Never take your loved ones for granted: they could be gone tomorrow"

all of my dreams seem to fall by the side like a discarded thought or the day's fading light
but I know that if I could just see you tonight forever at times we may fall,
like we all tend to do but I'll reach out and find that I've run into you
your strength is the power that carried me through forever

Your kindness for weakness I never mistook I worried you often,
yet you understood that life is so fleeting,
these troubles won't last forever inspired me truly you did from the start to not be afraid
and to follow my heart there's a piece of you with me they can't tear apart forever

Forever I'll find you, forever we'll be
Forever your power and strength stays with me

Forever- Dropkick Murphys
I posted the whole song because its short
the lyrics are amazing.

Old picture from a beach trip.. I love this picture figured I would share. My mom left out this morning headed for the beach. I'm somewhat jealous but alas I will get over it she deserves the time away. Scares me though when my parents go out of town.. to much responsibility is put on me and its the kind that isn't mine if that makes since, like caring for kids I didn't have and watching over a business I don't own or run.. but I always walk away learning from the situations put in front of me.. It always works out. I appreciate my parents challenging me and really giving me the responsibility.. its the reason why I make good choices and began growing up early on. They always let me make calls and let me figure out my path... but guided me at the same time. life lesson. I want the same for my kids one day. To be able to trust and stand back and let them live.. ya know. But also have that relationship where they respect and come to me for help and guidance... anyways just so you know I love my parents. Through the good and the bad we always realize who is truly in control and its not us. So I have been jamming on some good music this week... Joey came to the house Wednesday and dumped some tunes on my laptop. So I am well versed in all things hardcore/metal/old/and the Police which I have found I am a big fan of.. Roxanne is my favorite. Dillinger Escape Plan is becoming my new addiction along with Jimi Hendrix interesting mix.. I know. Thanks babe :) Not too long ago my ankle started acting up and giving me a hard time.. Old injuries coming back to bite me in the butt. If you didn't know I played Basketball [2 and half years] and Volleyball [4 years] during high school. Every so often my ankles give me issues or my knees start to stiff up and hurt. It doesn't help that I didn't handle my injuries when they happened. Hardheaded I know it comes from my dad's side of the family. Last night I curled up in bed and attempted to finish my last season of Gilmore Girls I got to the last 7 episodes... I'm pretty pumped to finish it. I like getting tangled in others life on TV it's kind of sickening how they capture us and suck us in... I'm really sad its over.. 7 seasons of two crazy girls full of witty pop culture comebacks and crazy love lives. I dug it. Today I'm wearing a pair of jeans I haven't wore in 10 months maybe... You ever had a piece of clothing that told a story. These are mine. They have been through many nights of questioning and hair coloring and comments and late night discussions and cigarette burns and alcohol spills and tears and sandy pockets. I had them folded and placed in the back of my closet.. this morning I had no clean clothes, really no clean jeans, and these were my go to pants. So I'm remembering the reason why I put them away. At one time they were my favorite jeans now just an article of clothing I should through away. disposable. Kind of like every thing Americans value these days... We kind of live for the disposable, feed off it and warp the things that should truly be valued into something disposable. life lesson.

I have had this scripture stuck in my head for a while now....
Christ brought us together through his death on the cross. The Cross got us to embrace, and that was the end of the hostility. Christ came and preached peace to you outsiders and peace to us insiders. He treated us as equals, and so made us equals. Through him we both share the same Spirit and have equal access to the Father.

Ephesians 2: 16-18

the beginning of Ephesians 2 is what got me back to my first love so I had been reading it not too long ago and stumbled upon this piece that I love so much... figured I would share.

todays thoughts:
Tomorrow marks 6 months of my life spent
with my best friend and greatest love
pretty freakin sweet

I have been cigarette free for 148 days
not too shabby

tonight I am getting Iguana Grill
and Im super pumped

grace and peace

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