I once was lost but now I'm found,
was blind but now I see
'Twas grace that taught my heart to feel
'Twas grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed
Amazing Grace- Dropkick Murphys
The song is powerful alone
but having these guys do it
its some serious power
and pretty much boss

We played Apples to Apples [joey won] which was really cool because its all about opinion and then followed it up with some Pictionary where it was looking like his parents were gonna dominate the board with no mercy whatsoever... when finally the game took a huge turn where Joey and I defeated them all.. It was amazing and definitely one for the books. We pretty much rule when playing together but against each other.. not so much. Lets just say Phase 10 and Uno need to be put away for a while. But Xbox that's whole new story... He has introduced to me a world I stayed away from for a while and now its on. Halo 3 is my new addiction... and that's not a good thing because my gaming attitude stinks and I have a potty mouth. Thank goodness I don't have a little headset and they can hear what I say about them... because it would be on. Bought a new Dropkick Murphys shirt Sunday and it is the new hotness... really it would be on someone else but on me its.. well lets not go there. If I haven't informed you by now or you don't know me, I'm what some would call a fatty. I need desperately to lose some poundage... its cute when its a kid with baby fat but I'm twenty and its not cute. Really looking forward to bible study tonight and new ministries forming.. Speaking of ministries I have been researching this church in Birmingham called The Downtown Church I feel like the Lord has placed them in front of me for a reason.. So I think I'm gonna go visit them Sunday and check out whats going on with them in the Ham... Don't know much about them other than what I have read but It sounds pretty cool.
so interesting sites to look at..
simple and complex all at the same time
my absolute new favorite
my new reasoning behind going to Chicago
they opened a store and its pretty rad
grace an peace
When did you meet Fall Out Boy?
omg i almost spit all over my computer... freakin hilarious.
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