Thursday, August 21

Don't alter my altar

don't desecrate my shrine
My church is the water 
and my home is underneath the shady pines 
Don't underestimate the spine in a poor man's back
when it's against the wall and his future's black 

One man's story is another man's shame 
I ain't bound for glory, I'm bound for flames 
Take to the woods boy, and cover up your tracks
Go away child and don't look back

One Man's shame- William Elliott Whitmore
I love his voice and bluegrass groove

Im ready for this.. a challenge. the river. struggle. fight. teamwork. I need this. Have you ever felt like your aren't battling for anything anymore.. I think I have posted about this before and I don't want to beat a dying dog. Im just not battling anymore... I've lost it "the will to fight" and I want it back desperately. I wanna hurt for good reason. I want battle scars to remind me not to give up. I want adrenaline pulsing through my veins. I want excitement. I want to make my own path. I want someone beside me doing the same, wanting the same. I want to be happy because right now Im not. Right now it comes, goes and flickers out. So Im claiming it... I will be standing at the push off point of that freaking river ready for the challenge. Fighting the crazy rapids. Laughing the entire way down. Helping the ones with me get to our destination safely. And Im gonna have a blast damn it.

water. renewal. word. 

Thank the dear sweet lord its almost 4:00. Im going home taking a pain pill. Cleaning out my car. Then getting ready for the Artwalk Preamble at Rojo. whooooooot. [Good luck Jenny] 

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