Friday, June 27

Just because I'm losing..

Doesn't mean I'm lost
Doesn't mean I'll stop
Doesn't mean I will cross

Just because I'm hurting
Doesn't mean I'm hurt
Doesn't mean I didn't get what I deserve
No better and no worse

I just got lost
Every river that I've tried to cross
And every door I ever tried was locked
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the shine wears off...

You might be a big fish
In a little pond
Doesn't mean you've won
'Cause along may come
A bigger one
And you'll be lost

Every river that you tried to cross
Every gun you ever held went off
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the firing starts
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the shine wears off

Lost- Coldplay

The new album is insane good

I got my laptop sleeve in and I love it. Green. Clean. BUILT. I love their products. This week was crazy... long. hard. tiring. I watched a ton of movies. Sat in silence [rare]. Cleaned out [everything in] my room. Stripped my walls in my room [textured walls suck balls]. Read. Surfed the web. That's pretty much it work was slow and I was by myself most of the time and when I wasn't by myself my lovely family was here.[So pretty much I was stuck in my own personal hell.] Stuck alone or with family with my thoughts, concerns and overall knowledge of life. It was great. Wednesday night my grandmother and mother insisted I go with them to Wal-mart [my favorite place.. sarcasm] so I went. I wanted to buy some movies anyways.. and where else can you find double feature movies for $5. good stuff. I bought a total of 69 movies and only spent $63... tell me that isn't amazing. I found 3 really great 20 pack movies. One set had a ton of John Wayne classics. One was a ton of Alfred Hitchcock. The other was just a ton of old classics.. loved it. I also found Hannibal and Silence of the Lambs together. Dawn of the Dead and Land of the Dead. Hard Candy. I didn't have the 1st and 2nd X-men and they had them for $5 and I also found The Neverending Story 1 and 2. I totally scored. I'm coming to love Alfred and his suspense... and old westerns are so funny. I think McLintock may be my absolute favorite western. 

Ham sandwiches own face.

grace and peace

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you bought 69 movies???

holy crap-ola.