Ye clouds that sail in heav'n along
O praise Him, alleluia
Thou rising moon in praise rejoice
Ye lights of evening find a voice
O praise Him, O praise Him
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son
And praise the Spirit, three in One
All Creatures #2- David Crowder Band
I'm on a David kick
you should all join
amazing praise
"Man can believe the impossible, but can never believe the improbable"
- Oscar Wilde
Ran across this quote today... This man amazes me with his words and thoughts. Makes me think and twist my brain around things and pushes. I appreciate it. My day has been interesting now that I think about it.. Christian Davis, one of our old youth girls who moved, asked me to go with her to Brookwood High School to visit everybody and eat lunch. I jumped on the opportunity to spend time with all the crazies. Entering the school was weird I hadn't been inside in a year... January of last year was the last of my tri-monthly visits.. I tried my hardest to go once a week for a while. Then we hit a bump in ministry and I stopped. Walking through the halls I figured I would see all these students that I remembered and hear their voices... not one until I hit the hallway heading to the lunchroom.. then a few after that. I stood in the middle of the lunchroom amazed at all the faces I didn't know.. the faces I knew but hadn't seen in forever. I felt like I had this huge knife slice through my heart.. almost like I had failed in someway or let them down in some way. I felt detached from them. Miles away. It was awkward for a bit until the crew started coming in... and even then it was almost like we had something between us, holding us back from each other. I spent a lot of time catching up and mending. There are 4 lunch times... during the third I was leaned against the wall talking to one of the students when Cheyenne got up because the girl across from her said "move you're totally in someones seat". It was rude. Well Chey got up and moved because she is nice and likes to keep the peace.. I continued to observe and watch carefully. My first thought was sit down in the spot. I didn't just watched. Then this girl walked over and acted like she was with their group [but didn't look like she fit the group] and sat down. As soon as this happened the same girl who was rude to Chey got up and sat beside her, whispered something in her ear. The girl started to tear up, grabbed her stuff, then moved to the next table. alone. Didn't eat just cried. I waited a bit and then asked Natalie, the student I was standing with, who she was. Informed, I walked over and sat in front of her.. asked her name and started to converse it was good.. she calmed down and told me her story. As we were talking her real friends, her group, migrated toward her lifting her up and making her smile.. I was so cool to be apart of it. Some students I knew from passing, a lot I didn't... but it was good to jump in and immerse in their atmosphere. I enjoyed today.. tonight I'm taking my sisters out. We have some things to pick up before they go out of town and my mom cant take them. Should be fun :)
grace and peace
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