Wednesday, November 19

You don't really know why

But you want justify
Rippin' someone's head off
No human contact
And if you interact
Your life is on contract
Your best bet is to stay away mother f#@^$er
It's just one of those days!!

Break Stuff- Limp Bizkit
its one of THOSE days
this is what I hit
this is the damage

I'm so mad right now I could just spit... or take an iron rod to the back of the truck I just hit, so there would be some mark of damage on the new work truck. A guy came in needing to get in our house to fix some cabinet doors he took down. My car had just been detailed and cleaned and washed and was all pretty and so it was still parked on the shipping porch.... I jumped in and noticed my back windshield wiper was on. So I was trying to back up and find the control to turn it off when my car hit the corner of the steel bed on the truck. All I could say was the F word about 10 times and few other derogatory slurs and go on my way. The conversation with my dad was delightful and the "talk" I will get tonight will be precious SOOOOO my day is going great, just great [damn]


1 comment:

zaner said...

Dang...that sucks. Hey maybe you could buy one of those giant bumpers from your dad and it'll cover it up.